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Weekly Legislative Update: September 20, 2021

Congressional Schedule: September 20–24, 2021

Floor Action:

The House and Senate are in session this week.

Abortion- This week, the House is scheduled to consider H.R. 3755, the Women’s Health Protection Act.

Appropriations- The House also is scheduled to consider a continuing resolution (CR) (as-yet-unnumbered) to extend federal FY2021 spending beyond September 30.

Military- The House is scheduled to consider H.R. 4350, the FY2022 National Defense Authorization Act, which contains provisions to address women in combat, military sexual assault, and defense health programs.


Miscellaneous- On Wednesday, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will consider several bills, including S. 2126, a bill to designate the “Louisa Swain Federal Office Building,” S. 1226, a bill to designate the “Sylvia H. Rambo United States Courthouse,” and S. 233, a bill to designate the “Donna M. Doss Border Patrol Station.”


Veterans- On Tuesday, the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity will hold a hearing to discuss several bills, including a bill to direct the secretary of Veterans Affairs to pay to certain veterans who receive educational assistance a weekly stipend for child care services (as-yet-unnumbered); a bill to direct the secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit a report to Congress on the shallow subsidy program under the supportive services for veteran families program, and for other purposes (as-yet-unnumbered); and a bill to direct the secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide technical assistance to recipients of grants for supportive services for very low-income families in permanent housing and comprehensive service programs, and for other purposes.

Also on Wednesday, the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations will hold a hearing, “Creating a Welcoming VA and Building Equity for Veterans through Legislation.” This hearing will include discussion of several bills, including H.R. 2385, the Justice for Women Veterans Act, and the VA Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access Data Improvement Act (as-yet-unnumbered).

Bills Introduced: September 13–17, 2021


S. Res. 362—Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)/Considered and agreed to (9/14/21)—A resolution expressing the support of the Senate for the contributions and achievements of student parents and recognizing September 2021 as National Student Parent Month.


S. 2731—Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)/Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (9/14/2021)—A bill to designate the facility at 2245 Rosa L. Parks Boulevard in Nashville, Tennessee, as the “Thelma Harper Post Office Building.”

H.R. 5271—Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN)/Oversight and Reform (9/17/21)—A bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2245 Rosa L. Parks Boulevard in Nashville, Tennessee, as the “Thelma Harper Post Office Building.”

H. Res. 657—Rep. Filemon Vela (D-TX)/Education and Labor (9/17/21)—A resolution expressing the sense of Congress regarding the achievements of Tejano music artists such as Freddy Fender, Roberto Pulido, Flaco Jimenez, and Selena Quintanilla, in recognition of their contributions to the cultural heritage and diversity of the United States.

S. Res. 365—Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)/Considered and agreed to (9/15/21)—A resolution honoring the life, legacy, and achievements of MacNolia Cox.