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Weekly Legislative Update: October 31, 2022

Congressional Scheduler: October 31-November 4, 2022

Floor Action:

Congress is in recess until after the mid-term elections.

Bills Introduced: October 24-28, 2022


H.R. 9247Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)/Energy and Commerce (10/28/22)A bill to conduct a public health education, awareness, and outreach campaign to enhance access to abortion and related health services.


H.R. 9235Rep. Deborah Ross (D-NC)/Judiciary (10/25/22)A bill to establish a task force on women in law enforcement to study and develop national hiring standards for law enforcement officers, and for other purposes.

Reproductive Health

H.R. 9254Rep. Nikema Williams (D-GA)/Energy and Commerce (10/28/22)A bill to establish within the Department of Health and Human Services an ombuds for reproductive and sexual health.


H.R. 9237Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA)/Veterans’ Affairs (10/25/22)A bill to name the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Vallejo, California, as the “Delphine Metcalf-Foster VA Clinic.”

Violence Against Women

H. Res. 1451Rep. Al Green (D-TX)/Education and Labor (10/28/22)A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of October as “National Domestic Violence Awareness Month.”