Floor Action:
The Senate is in session this week.
On Tuesday, the House is scheduled to consider H.R. 447, the National Apprenticeship Act of 2021.
S. 61—Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)/Judiciary (1/27/21)—A bill to protect pain-capable unborn children, and for other purposes.
S. 75—Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit discrimination by abortion against an unborn child on the basis of Down syndrome.
S. 77—Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS)/ Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit the secretary of Health and Human Services from conducting or supporting any research involving human fetal tissue that is obtained pursuant to an induced abortion, and for other purposes.
S. 78—Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit the approval of new abortion drugs, to prohibit investigational use exemptions for abortion drugs, and to impose additional regulatory requirements with respect to previously approved abortion drugs, and for other purposes.
S. 83—Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit certain abortion procedures, and for other purposes.
S. 86—Sen. John Kennedy (R-LA)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit discrimination against the unborn on the basis of sex, and for other purposes.
S. 87—Sen. Roger Marshall (R-KS)/Finance (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit the expenditure for an abortion of federal funds authorized or appropriated for preventing, preparing for, or responding to the COVID-19 pandemic, and for other purposes.
S. 88—Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit family planning grants from being awarded to any entity that performs abortions, and for other purposes.
S. 92—Sen. Roger Wicker (R-MS)/Finance (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit taxpayer funded abortions.
S. 95—Sen. James Lankford (R-OK)/Finance (1/28/21)—A bill to allow for greater state flexibility with respect to excluding providers who are involved in abortions.
S. 99—Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to implement equal protection under the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States for the right to life of each born and pre-born human person.
S. 109—Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit taking minors across state lines in circumvention of laws requiring the involvement of parents in abortion decisions.
S. 123—Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.
S. 124—Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)/Finance (1/28/21)—A bill to provide that amounts paid for an abortion are not taken into account for purposes of the deduction for medical expenses.
S. 125—Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)/Finance (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit treatment of certain distributions and reimbursements for certain abortions as qualified medical expenses.
S. 137—Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)/Foreign Relations (1/28/21)—A bill to restrict the availability of federal funds to organizations associated with the abortion industry.
S. 139—Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit federal funding of Planned Parenthood Federation of America.
H.R. 532—Rep. Ron Estes (R-KS)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit discrimination by abortion against an unborn child on the basis of Down syndrome.
H.R. 534—Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC)/Foreign Affairs (1/28/21)—A bill to restrict the availability of federal funds to organizations associated with the abortion industry.
H.R. 541—Rep. Vickey Hartzler (R-MO)/Energy and Commerce (1/28/21)—A bill to provide for a moratorium on federal funding to Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
H.R. 552—Rep. Doug Lamborn (R-CO)/Energy and Commerce (1/28/21)—A bill to ensure that a woman seeking a chemical abortion is informed that it may be possible to reverse the intended effects of the abortion if the woman changes her mind, and for other purposes.
H.R. 554—Rep. Robert Latta (R-OH)/Energy and Commerce (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit the approval of new abortion drugs, to prohibit investigational use exemptions for abortion drugs, and to impose additional regulatory requirements with respect to previously approved abortion drugs, and for other purposes.
H.R. 555—Rep. Robert Latta (R-OH)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit the unlawful disposal of fetal remains, and for other purposes.
H.R. 558—Rep. Debbie Lesko (R-AZ)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit dismemberment abortions, and for other purposes.
H.R. 563—Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO)/Energy and Commerce (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit the secretary of Health and Human Services from conducting or supporting any research involving human fetal tissue that is obtained pursuant to an induced abortion, and for other purposes.
H.R. 568—Rep. Lisa McClain (R-MI)/Energy and Commerce (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit research with human fetal tissue obtained pursuant to an abortion, and for other purposes.
H.R. 581—Rep. Ralph Norman (R-SC)/Energy and Commerce (1/28/21)—A bill to improve the reporting of abortion data to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and for other purposes.
H.R. 606—Rep. Jason Smith (R-MO)/Ways and Means (1/28/21)—A bill to impose federal taxes on bonds used to provide facilities owned by abortion providers.
H.R. 619—Rep. Ann Wagner (R-MO)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit a health care practitioner from failing to exercise the proper degree of care in the case of a child who survives an abortion or attempted abortion.
H.R. 620—Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN)/Energy and Commerce (1/28/21)—A bill to protect the dignity of fetal remains, and for other purposes.
H.R. 626—Rep. Ron Wright (R-TX)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit chemical abortions performed without the presence of a healthcare provider, and for other purposes.
H.R. 627—Rep. Ron Wright (R-TX)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit taking minors across state lines in circumvention of laws requiring the involvement of parents in abortion decisions.
Child Care
S. 133—Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (1/28/21)—A bill to assist states in carrying out projects to expand the child care facilities in the states, and for other purposes.
H.R. 540—Rep. Josh Harder (D-CA)/Education and Labor (1/28/21)—A bill to assist states in carrying out projects to expand the child care workforce and child care facilities in the states, and for other purposes.
Child Protection
H.R. 485—Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA)/Education and Labor (1/25/21)—A bill to reauthorize the Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act, and for other purposes.
H.R. 566—Rep. Lucy McBath (D-GA)/Education and Labor (1/28/21)—A bill to authorize the secretary of Health and Human Services to award a grant to a nonprofit entity for a national child abuse hotline.
H.R. 447—Rep. Bobby Scott (D-VA)/Education and Labor; Judiciary (1/25/21)—A bill to expand the national apprenticeship system to include apprenticeships, youth apprenticeships, and pre-apprenticeships, to promote the furtherance of labor standards necessary to safeguard the welfare of apprentices, and for other purposes.
H.R. 7—Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT)/Education and Labor (1/28/21)—A bill to provide more effective remedies to victims of discrimination in the payment of wages on the basis of sex, and for other purposes.
H.R. 518—Rep. Joaquin Castro (D-TX)/Education and Labor (1/28/21)—A bill to direct the secretary of Labor to award grants to eligible entities to carry out or expand youth apprenticeship programs.
H.R. 562—Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA)/Financial Services (1/28/21)—A bill to require public companies to provide sexual harassment claim disclosures in certain reports, to require public companies to implement mandatory sexual harassment training, and for other purposes.
H.R. 564—Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-NY)/Oversight and Reform; Veterans’ Affairs; House Administration (1/28/21)—A bill to provide paid family and medical leave to federal employees, and for other purposes.
H.R. 580—Rep. Donald Norcross (D-NJ)/Education and Labor (1/28/21)—A bill to direct the secretary of Labor to support the development of pre-apprenticeship programs in the building and construction trades that serve underrepresented populations, including individuals from low income and rural census tracts.
H.R. 585—Rep. Chris Pappas (D-NH)/Education and Labor (1/28/21)—A bill to direct the secretary of Labor to provide for data collection and dissemination of information regarding programs under the national apprenticeship system, and for other purposes.
Family Support
H.Res. 67—Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)/Oversight and Reform (1/28/21)—A resolution expressing the moral responsibility of the Congress to end adult and child poverty in the United States.
H.R. 573—Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI)/Education and Labor (1/28/21)—A bill to ensure that child protective services systems do not permit the separation of children from parents on the basis of poverty, and for other purposes.
H.R. 469—Rep. Alcee Hastings (D-FL)/Energy and Commerce; Ways and Means; Education and Labor (1/25/21)—A bill to provide for health coverage of nipple-areolar complex tattooing in connection with reconstructive surgery following mastectomy and to extend coverage of certain breast reconstructive services following mastectomy under the Medicare and Medicaid programs.
H. Res. 55—Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ)/Energy and Commerce (1/25/21)—A resolution recognizing the importance of access to comprehensive, high-quality, life-affirming medical care for women of all ages.
S. 142—Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)/Foreign Relations (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit the application of certain restrictive eligibility requirements to foreign nongovernmental organizations with respect to the provision of assistance under part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.
H.R. 556—Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)/Foreign Affairs (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit the application of certain restrictive eligibility requirements to foreign nongovernmental organizations with respect to the provision of assistance under part I of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.
H.R. 571—Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY)/Foreign Affairs (1/28/21)—A bill to improve United States consideration of, and strategic support for, programs to prevent and respond to gender-based violence beginning with the onset of humanitarian emergencies, to build the capacity of humanitarian assistance to address the immediate and long-term challenges resulting from such violence, and for other purposes.
H.R. 503—Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH)/Financial Services (1/28/21)—A bill to require $20 notes to include a portrait of Harriet Tubman, and for other purposes.
Reproductive Health
H.R. 500—Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN)/Energy and Commerce (1/28/21)—A bill to prohibit the rescission, suspension, or revision of certain regulations that govern the Title X family planning program.
Small Business
S. 63—Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD)/Small Business and Entrepreneurship (1/27/21)—A bill to establish an Office of Emerging Markets within the Small Business Administration that will strengthen the development of small business concerns in emerging markets, including those owned by women, minorities, veterans, and those located in rural areas, and for other purposes.
Tax Policy
H.R. 574—Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI)/Ways and Means (1/28/21)—A bill to conduct outreach to inform certain individuals of their potential eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit and the Child Tax Credit, and for other purposes.
Violence Against Women
S. 119—Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A bill to authorize the Office on Violence Against Women to improve the handling of crimes of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking by incorporating a trauma-informed approach into the initial response to and investigation of such crimes.
S. 120—Sen. Brian Schatz (D-HI)/Commerce, Science, and Transportation (1/28/21)—A bill to prevent and respond to the misuse of communications services that facilitates domestic violence and other crimes.
S.Res. 21—Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A resolution raising awareness and encouraging the prevention of stalking by designating January 2021 as “National Stalking Awareness Month.”
H.R. 452—Rep. Ken Calvert (R-CA)/Judiciary (1/25/21)—A bill to reauthorize the grant program for education, training, and enhanced services to end violence against and abuse of women with disabilities.
H.R. 562—Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA)/Financial Services (1/28/21)—A bill to to provide sexual harassment claim disclosures in certain reports, to require public companies to implement mandatory sexual harassment training, and for other purposes.
H.R. 608—Rep. Lloyd Smucker (R-PA)/Energy and Commerce (1/28/21)—A bill to require grant recipients to comply with all applicable state and local laws requiring notification or reporting of child abuse, child molestation, sexual abuse, rape, incest, intimate partner violence, or human trafficking, and for other purposes.
H.Res. 68—Rep. Stephanie Murphy (D-FL)/Judiciary (1/28/21)—A resolution raising awareness and encouraging the prevention of stalking by expressing support for the designation of January 2021 as “National Stalking Awareness Month.”