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Weekly Legislative Update: August 9, 2021

Congressional Schedule: August 9-13, 2021

Floor Action:

The Senate is in session this week.

The House is in recess until August 30.

Bills Introduced: August 2-6, 2021

Child Care

S. 2625—Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)/Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (8/5/21)—A bill to amend the Child Care Access Means Parents in School Program under the Higher Education Act of 1965.

Equal Pay

S. 2591—Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-GA)/Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (8/3/21)—A bill to establish the National Equal Pay Enforcement Task Force, and for other purposes.

S. Con. Res. 12—Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA)/Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (8/3/21)—A concurrent resolution recognizing the significance of equal pay and the disparity in wages paid to men and to Black women.

H.R. 4934—Rep. Nikema Williams (D-GA)/Education and Labor; Oversight and Reform (8/3/21)—A bill to establish the National Equal Pay Enforcement Task Force, and for other purposes.

H. Con. Res. 46—Rep. Alma Adams (D-NC)/Education and Labor (8/3/21)—A concurrent resolution recognizing the significance of equal pay and the disparity in wages paid to men and to Black women.


S. 2669—Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)/Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (8/5/21)—A bill to ban the use of ortho-phthalate chemicals as food contact substances. [Exposure to phthalates has been documented to cause developmental and reproductive harm in women and children.]

H.R. 4963—Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA)/Energy and Commerce (8/6/21)—A bill to ban the use of ortho-phthalate chemicals as food contact substances. [Exposure to phthalates has been documented to cause developmental and reproductive harm in women and children.]


S. Res. 342—Sen. Robert Menendez (D-NJ)/Foreign Relations (8/7/21)—A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate regarding the practice of politically motivated imprisonment of women around the world and calling on governments for the immediate release of women who are political prisoners.


S. Res. 3408—Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)/Armed Services (8/5/21)—A resolution opposing legislation mandating the registration of women for the Selective Service System.

H.R. 4949—Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO)/Financial Services; House Administration (8/6/21)—A bill to award a Congressional Gold Medal to the female telephone operators of the Army Signal Corps, known as the “Hello Girls.”

Violence Against Women

S. 2588—Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)/Health, Education, Labor, Pensions (8/3/21)—A bill to study the extent to which individuals are more at risk of maternal mortality or severe maternal morbidity as a result of being a victim of intimate partner violence, and for other purposes.

H.R. 4916—Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI)/Energy and Commerce (8/3/21)—A bill to study the extent to which individuals are more at risk of maternal mortality or severe maternal morbidity as a result of being a victim of intimate partner violence, and for other purposes.

S. 2608—Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA)/Judiciary (8/4/21)—A bill to direct the attorney general to make grants to states that have in place a law providing for the rights of sexual assault survivors, and for other purposes.

S. 2655—Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)/Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (8/5/21)—A bill to provide funding for demonstration grants to support clinical training of health care providers to administer medical forensic examinations and treatments to survivors of interpersonal violence of all ages.

H.R. 4978—Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA)/Judiciary (8/6/21)—A bill to direct the attorney general to make grants to states that have in place a law providing for the rights of sexual assault survivors, and for other purposes.