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Veterans’ Benefits Bills Subject of Senate Hearing

On June 23, the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee held a hearing to examine a number of bills aimed at expanding veterans’ benefits. Among the many bills discussed was a measure (S. 423) sponsored by Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) that would make a stillborn child an insurable dependent under the Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) program.

Testifying in support of S. 423, Under Secretary for Benefits at the Department of Veterans Affairs Daniel Cooper said, “Insuring stillborn infants under SGLI would directly benefit those servicemembers and their families who tragically experience a stillbirth, by providing financial assistance at a time of need. This benefit would help defray medical care and burial and cremation costs incurred by a servicemember because of a stillbirth. A funeral for such a child can cost as much as $3,000.” Noting that private insurance does not generally cover a child until the fourteenth day after a live birth, Mr. Cooper said, “VA supports departing from the general industry practice on this issue because SGLI coverage for stillbirths would support servicemembers and their families, ease their suffering and distress during a family crisis, and improve morale.” Additionally, the VA estimates that the total cost for adding such coverage would be an estimated $4 million annually. “The SGLI program would absorb all costs associated with implementation of S. 423. There would be no new cost to the Government,” stated Mr. Cooper.

Several other veterans’ groups also testified in support of expanding SGLI coverage to stillborn children.