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The Source for Women’s Issues: December 10-14, 2018

Floor Action:

Child Protection- On Thursday, Congress passed H.R. 6964, the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act. The House approved an earlier version of the measure on September 28 (see The Source, 9/28/18). The bill contains provisions to address the needs of girls in the juvenile justice system.

On Tuesday, the Senate passed, by unanimous consent, S. 2961, the Victims of Child Abuse Reauthorization Act. The Senate Judiciary Committee approved the legislation on September 13 (see The Source, 9/14/18).

Employment- On Thursday, Congress approved S. 3749, the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 Reform Act. The Senate cleared an earlier version of the bill (S. 2952) on May 24 (see The Source, 5/25/18), while the House approved its version (H.R. 4924) on February 6 (see The Source, 2/9/18). The bill addresses sexual harassment in the congressional workplace.

Family Support- This week, Congress approved the conference report for H.R. 2, the Agriculture and Nutrition Act. The legislation extends through 2023 several nutrition assistance programs, including the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as food stamps) and the Commodity Supplemental Food Program. The Senate approved an earlier version of the measure on June 28; the House approved its version on June 21 (see The Source, 6/29/18). The president is expected to sign the bill into law.

Health- On Thursday, Congress approved H.R. 1318, the Preventing Maternal Deaths Act.

On Tuesday, the House passed, 406-3, S. 3029, the Prematurity Research Expansion and Education for Mothers who deliver Infants Early (PREEMIE) Act. The Senate approved the bill on September 12 (see The Source, 9/14/18).

International- On Wednesday, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, S. 1580, the Protecting Girls’ Access to Education in Vulnerable Settings Act. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee passed the bill on July 25 (see The Source, 7/27/18).

Miscellaneous- On Wednesday, the Senate passed S. Res. 444, a resolution recognizing the contributions of American Indian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian women in the United States. The Senate Indian Affairs Committee approved the measure on November 28 (see The Source, 11/30/18).


Health- On Thursday, the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittees on Healthcare, Benefits, and Administrative Rules, and Government Operations held a joint hearing, “Exploring Alternatives to Fetal Tissue Research.”

Violence Against Women- On Wednesday, the Senate Indian Affairs Committee held a hearing, “Missing and Murdered: Confronting the Silent Crisis in Indian Country.”

Also on Wednesday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing, “Examining the Availability of SAFE [Sexual Assault Forensic Evidence] Kits at Hospitals in the United States.”