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Senate Supports Women’s Business Centers

On April 29, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a bill (S. 2267) to establish funding priorities for women’s business centers.

Sponsored by Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME), the Women’s Sustainability Recovery Act would adjust the reserve provided for the sustainability of women’s business centers. Subject to the availability of funds, the administration would provide $150,000 in FY2004 for each eligible women’s business center.

Highlighting the success of women’s business centers, Sen. Snowe stated, “Women who once received public assistance are now operating businesses and creating jobs. Other women are transitioning from employee to small business employer, and established business owners are creating and manufacturing products for sale at home and abroad. The centers nurture women entrepreneurs through business and financial planning and assist women business owners who need help securing funding for startup and expansion.”

Sen. Snowe explained that the bill is necessary because “insufficient funding for the sustainability program may force 53 Women’s Business Centers to close their doors…By supporting this bill…Congress will ensure that each of the 53 Women’s Business Centers eligible for sustainability has the opportunity to compete for a sufficient pool of funding for FY2004, and that centers will be able to effectively provide valuable technical assistance to women entrepreneurs.”