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Senate Supports Infant Mortality Awareness Month

On September 22, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a resolution (S. Res. 239) supporting the goals and ideals of Infant Mortality Awareness Month.

Sponsored by Sen. Mel Martinez (R-FL), the resolution contains a number of findings, including:

  • The United States ranks 28th among industrialized nations in the rate of infant mortality;
  • In 2002, the infant mortality rate in the United States increased for the first time in more than four decades;
  • The recent increase is a significant and troubling public health issue, especially for African American, Native American, and Hispanic families;
  • According to the National Healthy Start Association, the infant mortality rate among African American women is more than double that of Caucasian women;
  • September 1, 2005 is the beginning of a period of several months during which there will be several national observances that relate to the issue of infant mortality, including the observance of October as Sudden Infant Death Awareness Month and November as Prematurity Awareness Month; and
  • It would be appropriate to observe September 2005 as Infant Mortality Awareness Month.