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Senate Supports Día de los Ninos: Celebrating Young Americans

On April 28, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a resolution (S. Res. 342) designating April 30, 2004, as “Día de los Ninos: Celebrating Young Americans.”

According to the resolution, “Many nations throughout the world, and especially within the Western hemisphere, celebrate ‘Día de los Ninos’ on the 30th of April, in recognition and celebration of their country’s future their children.” The resolution also notes that Hispanics in the United States continue the tradition of honoring their children on this day and wish to share this custom with the rest of the nation. Finally, the resolution states, “The designation of a day of special recognition for the children of the United States will provide an opportunity for children to reflect on their future, to articulate their dreams and aspirations, and to find comfort and security in the support of their family members and communities.”