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Senate Panel Approves Suicide Prevention Program for Veterans

On June 27, the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee approved, by voice vote, a bill (S. 479) that would establish a comprehensive program to reduce suicide among veterans. Similar legislation (H. R. 327) was passed by the House on March 21 (see The Source, 3/23/07).

Sponsored by Sen. Tom Harkin (D-IA), S. 479 would direct the secretary of Veterans Affairs to create and implement a program designed to reduce suicide among veterans. The program would mandate a campaign to destigmatize mental illness, staff training on suicide prevention, a peer support program, 24-hour mental health care availability, and a possible toll-free hotline. The measure would provide outreach and educational information to assist veterans and their families in identifying mental illness, seeking help, and coping with issues relating to the readjustment to civilian life. Unlike the House bill, S. 479 does not contain a provision that would require research on mental health care for veterans who have experienced sexual trauma while serving in the military.