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Senate Committee Extends Medicaid Coverage to Disabled Children

On September 10, the Senate Finance Committee approved, by voice vote, a bill (S. 622) that would allow states to extend Medicaid coverage to disabled children whose families currently do not qualify under the federal program.

Sponsored by Chair Charles Grassley (R-IA), the Family Opportunity Act would create a new optional eligibility group in Medicaid for disabled children. The group would include those children with disabilities whose family income is above the financial standards for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) but no more than 250 percent of the federal poverty level. The price for coverage would be set on a sliding scale according to the family’s ability to pay.

In his opening statement, Chair Grassley said that the bipartisan legislation is “pro-family because it keeps families together. Our bill is pro-work because it lets parents work without losing their children’s health care. And our bill is pro-taxpayer because it lets parents earn money and help pay their own way for Medicaid coverage for their child…no hard-working family should have to choose between work and caring for a child.”