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Senate Committee Approves State Department Authorization Bill

On March 4, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved, 19-0, the State Department authorization bill (S. 2144).

S. 2144 would authorize $10.9 billion for the State Department and $18.3 billion for foreign assistance programs in FY2005. The bill also would authorize $351 million for the Peace Corps and $2 billion for the Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) for FY2005 through FY2007.

The measure would authorize $1.6 billion for the Child Survival and Health Program Fund. Of that amount, $346 million would be authorized for international family planning programs. S. 2144 also would authorize $1.3 billion for development assistance.

During consideration of the bill, the committee approved, by voice vote, an amendment by Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) that would express the sense of the Senate that the rights of the women of Afghanistan are important and measures should be taken to protect them from harm or fear while registering to vote and while voting; and that the rights of the women of Iraq are important and the full participation and sovereignty of women must be maintained after the transfer of power from U.S. forces to Iraqis in June 2004.

The committee also approved, by voice vote, amendments by Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL) that would require the Secretary of State to submit a report outlining U.S. policy for Haiti, including reconstruction plans to provide assistance in fighting HIV/AIDS; and would express the sense of the Senate that $150 million should be made available for Haiti, including $35 million from the Child Survival and Health Programs Fund and $15 million from the Development Assistance Fund.

Finally, the committee approved, by voice vote, a number of amendments en bloc, including:

  • an amendment by Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN) that would increase migration and refugee assistance from $729 million to $764 million. The $34 million increase would be earmarked for women’s and children’s programs in refugee camps;
  • an amendment by Sen. Jon Corzine (D-NJ) that would extend until FY2005 the Millennium Challenge Corporation’s authority to provide some funding for countries that do not meet all of the qualifications required for MCA assistance;
  • an amendment by Sen. Joseph Biden (D-DE) that would establish a Victims of Crime Office in the State Department; and An amendment by Sen. Corzine that would add India to the list of countries eligible to receive assistance under the Global HIV/AIDS Initiative.