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Senate Approves Women-Owned Businesses Resolution; President Issues Executive Order

Signaling support for Small Business Week 2000, the Senate on May 23 approved, by unanimous consent, a resolution (S. Res. 311) dealing with women-owned businesses. Sponsored by Sens. Christopher Bond (R-MO) and John Kerry (D-MA), the resolution “strongly urges the President to adopt a policy in support of the five percent procurement goal for women-owned small businesses, and to encourage the heads of the federal departments and agencies to undertake a concerted effort to meet the five percent goal before the end of fiscal year 2000.” The resolution also encourages the President to hold the heads of federal departments and agencies accountable with the respect to the five percent procurement goal.

The same day, the President signed an executive order calling on all federal departments and agencies to establish a five percent participation goal for prime contract awards and a five percent participation goal for all subcontract awards to women-owned small businesses. The Executive Order also establishes an Office of Women’s Procurement at the Small Business Administration, and calls for remedial action plans for those departments and agencies failing to meet the established goal.

In 1994, Congress enacted a five percent procurement goal for women-owned businesses under the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (P.L. 103-355). However, in FY1999, only 2.4 percent of all federal contracts were awarded to women-owned small businesses.

Pointing to the importance of women-owned small businesses, Sen. Bond stated, “Their numbers are expanding at such a pace that it is anticipated women-owned small businesses will make up over 50 percent of all businesses by 2010.”

Sen. Kerry called the actions of the Senate and the President “a double victory” for women-owned small businesses, adding: “I believe that out of the nine million businesses owned by women in this country, the federal government can find ones that are qualified and reliable, with good products and services, to fill their contracts if they make it a priority.”

A similar resolution (H. Res. 15), sponsored by Rep. Sue Kelly (R-NY), was approved, by voice vote, by the House Government Reform Committee on April 5 (see The Source, 4/7/00, p. 3).