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Senate Appropriations Committee Approves Transportation, Housing Spending Bill

On July 27, the Senate Appropriations Committee passed, 31-0, S. 1655, the FY2018 Transportation, Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and Related Agencies spending bill, as amended. The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation, HUD, and Related Agencies approved the bill on July 25. The House Appropriations Committee cleared its version of the bill on July 17 (see The Source, 7/21/17).

According to the committee report, the bill would provide $60.058 billion for the Departments of Transportation and HUD, and related agencies. This amount is $1.379 billion below FY2017 and $12.130 billion above the president’s FY2018 request.

The Department of Transportation would receive $19.47 billion in discretionary funds, $978 million above FY2017.

The measure would provide $40.244 billion in discretionary funding for HUD, $1.4 billion above FY2017. The bill would allocate $6.45 billion for public housing, $103.5 million above FY2017, and $2.456 billion for homeless assistance programs, which includes assistance to survivors of domestic violence. In addition, the bill would provide $25 million for rehousing assistance for cases involving domestic violence.

The following chart details programs important to women and their families.



President’s FY2018 Request



Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS

$356 million

$330 million

$356 million

$330 million

Family Self-Sufficiency

$75 million

$75 million

$75 million

$75 million