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Panel Approves FY2006 State Department Authorization Bill

On May 26, the House International Affairs Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights, and International Operations approved, by voice vote, the FY2006 State Department authorization bill (H.R. 2601). Last month, the Senate began its debate on a similar bill (S. 600), but postponed final consideration until later this year (see The Source, 4/7/05).

As requested by the administration, H.R. 2601 would authorize $9.98 billion for the State Department in FY2006. The measure also would authorize $955 million for migration and refugee assistance, which includes funding for programs to combat human trafficking.

During consideration of the bill, the subcommittee approved the following amendments by voice vote:

  • an amendment offered by Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) that would require the State Department to submit a report to Congress detailing the number of small, women-owned, and minority-owned businesses that provide goods and services to the State Department;
  • an amendment offered by Rep. Betty McCollum (D-MN) that would require the State Department to submit a report to Congress concerning the incidence of child marriages throughout the world; and
  • an amendment by Rep. Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) that would require the State Department to translate the Trafficking in Persons Report, the Country Reports on Human Rights Practices, and the Annual Report to Congress on International Religious Freedom into the official language of the applicable country. The State Department also would be required to post the reports on the appropriate State Department and embassy websites within 30 days of the report’s release.


The full committee is expected to consider H.R. 2601 after Congress returns from the Memorial Day recess.