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Motions to Instruct Conferees Focus on Education Funding

As Congress attempted to finish legislative business, House Democrats offered several motions to instruct the conferees on the FY2001 Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations bill (H.R. 4577) on education funding.

During a rare Saturday session, the House on October 28 debated a motion to instruct conferees to disagree with Senate language that does not allocate funding for the President’s class size reduction and school construction initiatives. Rather, the Senate bill provides funding in the form of a Title VI block grant, which states could spend at their discretion. The motion, offered by Rep. Nita Lowey (D-NY), was defeated 150-159.

On November 1, the House debated a similar motion by Rep. Rush Holt (D-NJ) to instruct conferees to disagree with Senate language that does not allocate funding for the President’s school construction initiative. The motion was defeated, 176-183.

The same day, Rep. David Wu (D-OR) also offered a motion to instruct conferees to disagree with Senate language that does not allocate funding for the President’s class size initiative. The motion was defeated, 168-170.