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House Supports National Campus Safety Awareness Month

On October 6, the House approved, by voice vote, a resolution (H. Res. 15) supporting the goals and ideals of National Campus Safety Awareness Month. The House Government Reform Committee approved the resolution on September 29 (see The Source, 9/30/05). The Senate approved a similar resolution (S. Res. 221) on September 14 (see The Source, 9/16/05).

Expressing his support for the resolution, Rep. John Duncan (R-TN) stated, “Each fall, thousands of freshmen begin their college careers without taking the adequate precautions to protect themselves from real-world threats to their safety. Students often do not think about dangers like theft, date rape, assault, or even more serious invasions of privacy and more serious crimes. According to the nonprofit organization Security on Campus, between one-fifth and one-quarter of female students become the victims of an attempted rape during their college careers. Often it is by someone they know. In addition, each year more than 600,000 students between the ages of 18 and 24 are assaulted by another student who has been drinking; and 1,400 students die from alcohol-related injuries, including motor vehicle crashes.”

Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL) explained that “Security on Campus, Incorporated, is a national nonprofit organization that works to eliminate campus crime. The organization provides legal advice to victims of campus crime, works to secure campus improvements that reduce safety and security risks, and provides programs that help reduce the abuse of drugs and alcohol. Fueled by a desire to help secure our Nation’s college campuses and by the knowledge that the public is unaware of the scope of safety issues that exist on campuses, Security on Campus, Incorporated, declared September to be National Campus Safety Awareness Month. I support this action as a concerned citizen and as a parent. The need for safer environments in our Nation’s colleges and universities is critical to the success of our youth.”