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House Subcommittee Approves Veterans’ Health Legislation

On May 13, the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Health approved, by voice vote, legislation (H.R. 4231) to improve the recruitment and retention of nurses for veterans’ health care facilities and a bill (H.R. 4248) to reauthorize programs for homeless veterans.

Sponsored by Chair Rob Simmons (R-CT), H.R. 4231 would establish a pilot program designed to find effective ways to recruit and retain nurses in order to reduce the current nursing shortage. Prior to final approval, an amendment including provisions from a bill (H.R. 4020) sponsored by Rep. Christopher Smith (R-NJ) was approved by voice vote. The legislation would establish a program “to assist the States in hiring and retaining nurses at State veteran homes.”

H.R. 4248, a measure to reauthorize programs for homeless veterans, also was approved by voice vote. Before final approval, the subcommittee adopted, by voice vote, a substitute amendment by Rep. Simmons that incorporated legislation (H.R. 3849) sponsored by Ranking Member Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX). H.R. 3849, the Military Sexual Trauma Counseling Act of 2004, would give “permanent authority for the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to continue to operate a program to provide counseling and treatment for veterans who while in the military experienced sexual trauma or sexual harassment.”

The House Veterans’ Affairs Committee will consider the legislation next week.