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House-Passed Competitiveness Package Includes STEM Provisions

On May 21, the House approved, by voice vote, the 21st Century Competitiveness Act (H.R. 2272), a bill that combines several science, mathematics, engineering, and technology (STEM) measures. The Senate passed, 88-8, a related bill (S. 761) on April 25; the House passed, 389-22, the 10,000 Teachers, 10 Million Minds Science and Math Scholarship Act (H.R. 362) on April 24 (see The Source, 4/27/07).

Sponsored by Rep. Bart Gordon (D-TN), H.R. 2272 incorporates the provisions of H.R. 362; would reauthorize the National Science Foundation and the National Institute of Standards and Technology; establish new programs for math and science teachers; and create a new grant program for scientists and engineers in the beginning of their careers.