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House Approves Resolution to End Sexual Exploitation of Refugees

On October 16, the House unanimously approved a resolution (H. Con. Res. 349) to improve measures to end the sexual exploitation of refugees. Sponsored by Rep. Juanita Millender-McDonald (D-CA), H. Con. Res. 349 calls on the United Nations to “conduct a comprehensive worldwide investigation into the extent…of sexual exploitation of refugees by agents or employees of United Nations agencies, of other international nongovernmental organizations, and of governments.”

Rep. Millender-McDonald noted, “The…sexual abuse of women and children remains a real threat, especially for those who have already been dispossessed from their homelands and who face uncertain futures as refugees.”

She added that the U.S. government “takes the matter of abuse of human rights seriously wherever it is found” and “prompt action must be taken to bring those who have brought shame upon the honorable profession of giving service to refugees…to full account.”