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House Approves Resolution Supporting National Children and Families Day

On March 6, the House approved, by voice vote, a resolution (H. Con. Res. 62) supporting the goals and ideals of a National Children and Families Day, in order to encourage adults in the United States to support and listen to children and to help children throughout the nation achieve their hopes and dreams.

Sponsored by Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA), the resolution has a number of findings, including:

  • research shows that spending time together as a family is critical to raising strong and resilient kids;
  • it is essential to celebrate and reflect upon the important role that all families play in the lives of children and their positive effect for the nation’s future; and
  • the fourth Saturday of June is a day set aside to recognize the importance of children and families.Rep. Davis said that the resolution “celebrates those aspects found in a positive family atmosphere which promotes healthy and well-adjusted young men and women. We must take it upon ourselves, as a society, to expose young people to loving and supporting families whenever possible…National Children and Families Day provides us an opportunity to recognize our responsibility to create family environments that nurture the next generation and to promote a positive environment for families across America.”

    Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee (D-TX) said, “According to research by The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University, the more often children eat dinner with their families, the less likely they are to smoke, drink or use drugs. The research suggested that the conversations that go hand-in-hand with dinner will help parents learn more about their children’s lives and better understand the challenges they face.”