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House Approves National Children and Families Day Resolution

On June 6, the House approved, by voice vote, a resolution (H. Res. 763) sponsored by Rep. Tom Davis (R-VA) supporting the goals and ideals of a National Children and Families Day. The resolution encourages adults to listen to children and children to achieve their hopes and dreams, and recognizes that strong families improve the quality of children’s lives.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) called children “our country’s most vital resource” and urged all people to do “everything possible to prepare them to lead healthy, productive lives as they mature into adulthood.”

Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL) said that “strong families build trusting relationships by demonstrating commitment to all the members of the family. This includes following through with promises, working as a team, and talking to one another about important decisions and daily plans…A National Families and Children’s Day will encourage families to embrace these traits and will highlight the important role all families play in the lives of children and their positive effect for the nation’s future.”