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House Approves Endometriosis Awareness Resolution

On October 1, the House approved, by voice vote, a resolution (H. Con. Res. 291) expressing the sense of Congress with respect to endometriosis. Sponsored by Rep. Buck McKeon (R-CA), the resolution “strongly supports efforts to raise public awareness of endometriosis throughout the medical and lay communities” and “recognizes the need for better support of patients with endometriosis, the need for physicians to better understand the disease, the need for more effective treatments, and ultimately, the need for a cure.” Endometriosis is a painful gynecological disease in which a tissue similar to that found inside the uterus grows outside the uterus. The disease can cause bleeding and inflammation, as well as scar tissue that can result in infertility.

Rep. McKeon called endometriosis a “serious yet obscure disease” that afflicts between 10 and 20 percent of women of childbearing age. “Because such a large percentage of women who have the disease become infertile, endometriosis has the potential to be not only a great physical disability, but also the emotional and psychological burden is great,” he said.

Rep. Gene Green (D-TX) added, “It is my hope that this resolution will lead to better support for patients who suffer from this disease, a better understanding by physicians of the needs of those who have endometriosis, and more research for treatments, and ultimately a cure for all women with this disease.”

The resolution was considered under suspension of the rules, an expedited floor procedure that limits debate, prohibits amendments, and requires a two-thirds majority for passage.