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Bills Introduced


H.R. 6406—Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL)/Education and the Workforce; Ways and Means; Financial Services; House Administration; Oversight and Government Reform; Judiciary (7/17/18)—A bill to deter, prevent, reduce, and respond to harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and harassment based on protected categories; and to modify the tax treatment of amounts related to employment discrimination and harassment in the workplace, including sexual harassment, sexual assault, and harassment based on protected categories.

Family Support

H.R. 6394—Rep. Phil Roe (R-TN)/Agriculture (7/17/18)—A bill to require that supplemental nutrition assistance benefits be used to purchase only supplemental foods that are eligible for purchase under section 17 of the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 (commonly known as the Special Supplemental Program for Women Infants, and Children [WIC] program).


S. 3225—Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA)/Judiciary (7/17/18)—A bill to ensure the humane treatment of pregnant women by reinstating the presumption of release and prohibiting shackling, restraining, and other inhumane treatment of pregnant detainees.


S. 3247—Sen. John Boozman (R-AR)/Foreign Relations (7/19/18)—A bill to improve programs and activities relating to women’s entrepreneurship and economic empowerment that are carried out by the United States Agency for International Development, and for other purposes.


S. Res. 586—Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY)/Judiciary (7/19/18)—A resolution honoring the 170th anniversary of the first women’s rights convention held in the United States in Seneca Falls, New York.

Small Business/Entrepreneurship

H.R. 6390—Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA)/Small Business; Judiciary (7/16/18)—A bill to direct the administrator of the Small Business Administration to study and identify best practices for closing the gender, race, and income gap in patenting rates for certain small business concerns, and for other purposes. 

Violence Against Women

S. 3216—Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN)/Indian Affairs (7/16/18)—A bill to extend the jurisdiction of tribal courts to cover crimes involving sexual violence, and for other purposes.

H.R. 6387—Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-WA)/Energy and Commerce; Ways and Means (7/16/18)—A bill to plan, develop, and make recommendations to increase access to sexual assault examinations for survivors by holding hospitals accountable and supporting the providers that serve them.