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Bills Introduced


H.R. 5416—Rep. Alma Adams (D-NC)/Education and the Workforce; Ways and Means (3/29/18)—A bill to establish a student loan forgiveness program for women who are small business owners.


H. Con. Res. 117—Rep. Lois Frankel (D-FL)/Oversight and Government Reform (4/10/18)—A concurrent resolution recognizing the significance of Equal Pay Day to illustrate the disparity between wages paid to men and women.

Family Support

H.R. 5489—Rep. Ron Estes (R-KS)/Ways and Means; Agriculture (4/12/18)—A bill to institute reforms to the program of block grants to states for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.


H.R. 5423—Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY)/Energy and Commerce (4/2/18)—A bill to provide grants to better understand and reduce gestational diabetes, and for other purposes.

S. 2367—Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)/Finance (4/10/18)—A bill to improve the quality, health outcomes, and value of maternity care under the Medicaid and CHIP programs by developing maternity care quality measures and supporting maternity care quality collaboratives.

H.R. 5457—Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY)/Energy and Commerce; Ways and Means (4/10/18)—A bill to improve the quality, health outcomes, and value of maternity care under the Medicaid and CHIP programs by developing maternity care quality measures and supporting maternity care quality collaboratives.

S. Res. 549—Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA)/Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (4/11/18)—A resolution recognizing “Black Maternal Health Week” to bring national attention to the maternal health care crisis in the Black community and the importance of reducing the rate of maternal mortality and morbidity among Black women.

H. Res. 818—Rep. Alma Adams (D-NC)/Energy and Commerce (4/11/18)—A resolution recognizing “Black Maternal Health Week” to bring national attention to the maternal health care crisis in the Black community and the importance of reducing the rate of maternal mortality and morbidity among Black women.

S. 2658—Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL)/Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (4/12/18)—A bill to provide for systematic data collection, analysis, and epidemiological research regarding neonatal abstinence syndrome.

H.R. 5492—Rep. Brett Guthrie (R-KY)/Energy and Commerce (4/12/18)—A bill to address the use of opioids and substance use disorders with respect to pregnant women and babies, and for other purposes.


 S. Res. 460—Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)/Judiciary (4/12/18)—A resolution condemning Boko Haram and calling on the governments of the United States of America and Nigeria to swiftly implement measures to defeat the terrorist organization.

H.R. 5480—Rep. Edward Royce (R-CA)/Foreign Affairs (4/12/18)—A bill to improve programs and activities relating to women’s entrepreneurship and economic empowerment that are carried out by the United States Agency for International Development, and for other purposes.


 H. Res. 808—Rep. Ann Kuster (D-NH)/Armed Services (3/29/18)—A resolution recognizing the life and legacy of the first woman to achieve the rank of general in the United States Military, Anna Mae Hays.


 S. Res. 463—Sen. Tammy Duckworth (D-IL)/Rules and Administration (4/12/18)—A resolution authorizing a Senator to bring a young son or daughter of the Senator onto the floor of the Senate during votes.

H.R. 5464—Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA)/Energy and Commerce (4/10/18)—A bill to prohibit the pricing of consumer products and services that are substantially similar if such products or services are priced differently based on the gender of the individuals for whose use the products are intended or marketed or for whom the services are performed or offered.

H. Res. 820—Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA)/Foreign Affairs (4/11/18)—A resolution recognizing the life and significant contributions of Winnie Madikizela-Mandela, the former wife of Nelson Mandela, and an icon in the international fight against apartheid and injustice in South Africa, for her leadership and her devotion to the cause of freedom for all South Africans.


H.R. 5486—Rep. Luis Correa (D-CA)/Veterans Affairs (4/12/18)—A bill to require the secretary of Veterans Affairs to provide child care assistance to veterans receiving certain training or vocational rehabilitation, and for other purposes.

Violence Against Women

H. Res. 829—Rep. Tom Reed (R-NY)/Judiciary (4/13/18)—A resolution recognizing and supporting the goals and ideals of “National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month.”