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Bills Introduced


H.R. 5096—Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-DC)/Education and the Workforce (2/26/18)—A bill to establish a grant program to assist states to establish or expand universal prekindergarten in public schools and public charter schools.


R. Res. 752—Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ)/Foreign Affairs; Energy and Commerce (2/27/18)—A resolution recognizing the rise of cardiovascular disease as the world’s leading cause of preventable death and disability and as the global public health crisis of our generation and recognizing February 2018 as “American Heart Month.”

H. Res. 419—Sen. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)/Considered and agreed to (3/1/18)—A resolution designating the week of February 26 through March 4, 2018, as “National Eating Disorders Awareness Week,” and supporting the goals and ideals of raising awareness and understanding of eating disorders.

H.R. 5151—Rep. Ben Ray Lujan (D-NM)/Energy and Commerce (3/1/18)—A bill to reauthorize a grant program improving treatment for pregnant and postpartum women.


H.R. 5129—Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ)/Foreign Affairs (2/27/18)—A bill to reauthorize the Global Food Security Act of 2016, and for other purposes.


H.R. 5125—Rep. Donald McEachin (D-VA)/Armed Services; Oversight and Government Reform (2/27/18)—A bill to improve and expand authorities, programs, services, and benefits for military spouses and military families, and for other purposes.


H. Res. 756—Rep. Jared Huffman (D-CA)/Education and the Workforce (2/27/18)—A bill expressing support for designation of March 21, 2018, as “National Rosie the Riveter Day.”

 H. 2467—Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA)/Rules and Administration (2/28/18)—A bill to direct the Joint Committee on the Library to obtain a statue of Shirley Chisholm for placement in the United States Capitol.

H. Res. 418—Sen. Robert Casey (D-PA)/Considered and agreed to (2/28/18)—A resolution expressing support for the designation of March 21, 2018 as “National Rosie the Riveter Day.”

H. Res. 761—Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA)/Oversight and Government Reform (3/1/18)—A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Women’s History Month. 

Sexual Harassment

S. 2454—Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA)/Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs (2/27/18)—A bill to require disclosure of payments for settlements of disputes regarding sexual abuse and certain types of harassment and discrimination, and for other purposes.

H.R. 5113—Rep. Nanette Barragán (D-CA)/Oversight and Government Reform (2/27/18)—A bill to require sexual harassment training for the employees of federal contractors, and for other purposes.


H. Res. 746—Rep. Alma Adams (D-NC)/Science, Space, Technology; Education and the Workforce (2/23/18)—A resolution supporting the goal and ideal of increasing the number of African American women and girls in the engineering profession.

H.R. 5136—Rep. Jerry McNerney (D-CA)/Education and the Workforce (3/1/18)—A bill to provide grants to eligible local educational agencies to encourage female students to pursue studies and careers in science, mathematics, engineering, and technology.

Tax Policy

S. 2457—Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA)/Finance (2/27/18)—A bill to provide a work opportunity tax credit for military spouses and to provide for flexible spending arrangements for child care services for military families.

Violence Against Women

H. Res. 758—Rep. John Lewis (D-GA)/Judiciary (2/27/18)—A resolution expressing support for designation of the month of February 2018 as “National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month.”