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Bills Introduced


H. Res. 630—Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA)/House Administration (11/28/17)—A resolution requiring each Member, officer, and employee of the House of Representatives to complete a program of training in workplace rights and responsibilities each session of each Congress, and for other purposes.

H.R. 4458—Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA)/House Administration; Rules (11/28/17)—A bill to prohibit the use of public funds for the payment of a settlement or award in connection with a claim arising from sexual harassment committed by a Member of Congress, and for other purposes.

H.R. 4484—Rep. Chris Stewart (R-UT)/House Administration (11/29/17)—A bill to prohibit the imposition of a nondisclosure agreement as a condition of the payment of any award or settlement in connection with a violation of the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995.

H.R. 4481—Rep. Leonard Lance (R-NJ)/House Administration (11/29/17)—A bill to amend the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 to prohibit the use of public funds to make payments of awards and settlements in connections with violations of such Act which are committed by employing offices of the House of Representatives and Senate, and for other purposes.

H.R. 4494—Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-FL)/House Administration (11/30/17)—A bill to prohibit the use of public funds to pay awards and settlements in connection with claims under the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 which arise from sexual harassment, and for other purposes.

H.R. 4497—Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL)/House Administration (11/30/17)—A bill to prohibit the use of public funds to pay settlements and awards for workplace harassment and discrimination claims under the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 which arise from acts committed personally by Members of Congress, and for other purposes.

H.R. 4503—Rep. Luke Messer (R-IN)/House Administration, Oversight and Government Reform; Ways and Means (11/30/17)—A bill to amend the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 to prohibit the imposition of nondisclosure agreements as a condition of the payment of an award or settlement in connection with a violation of such Act, to require Members of Congress to reimburse the Treasury for amounts paid as awards and settlements under such Act in cases of sexual harassment and sexual assault, and for other purposes.

H.R. 4522—Rep. Mia Love (R-UT)/House Administration (12/1/17)—A bill to amend the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 to prohibit the use of public funds for the payment of a settlement or award under such Act in connection with a claim arising from sexual harassment committed by a Member of Congress.

H. Res. 642—Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-IN)/House Administration (12/1/17)—A resolution prohibiting the use of the Members’ Representational Allowance of a Member of the House of Representatives to pay awards, settlements, or other compensation in connection with allegations of sexual harassment or sexual misconduct by the Member or the employees of the Member’s office, and for other purposes.

Family Planning/Reproductive Health

H.R. 4507—Rep. Robert Wittman (R-VA)/Energy and Commerce (11/30/17)— A bill to require assurances that certain family planning service projects and programs will provide pamphlets containing the contact information of adoption centers.


S. 2162—Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA)/Judiciary (11/28/17)—A bill to provide that it is unlawful to knowingly distribute a private, visual depiction of an individual’s intimate parts or of an individual engaging in sexually explicit conduct, with reckless disregard for the individual’s lack of consent to the distribution, and for other purposes.

H.R. 4472—Rep. Jackie Speier (D-CA)/Judiciary (11/28/17)—A bill to provide that it is unlawful to knowingly distribute a private, visual depiction of an individual’s intimate parts or of an individual engaging in sexually explicit conduct, with reckless disregard for the individual’s lack of consent, and for other purposes.

Tax Policy

H.R. 4495—Rep. Ken Buck (R-CO)/Ways and Means (11/30/17)—A bill to deny as a trade or business expense deduction amounts paid or incurred in connection with the settlement of a sexual harassment or sexual assault claim.

H.R. 4514—Rep. Barbara Comstock (R-VA)/Ways and Means (12/1/17)—A bill to prohibit deductions for settlements subject to nondisclosure agreements paid in connection with sexual harassment or sexual abuse, and for other purposes.

H.R. 4516—Rep. Suzan DelBene (D-WA)/Ways and Means (12/1/17)—A bill to modify the treatment of certain payments made with respect to sexual misconduct.