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Bills Introduced

Family Support

S. 1290—Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)/Finance (6/5/17)—A bill to help individuals receiving assistance under means-tested welfare programs obtain self-sufficiency, to provide information on total spending on means-tested welfare programs, to provide an overall spending limit on means-tested welfare programs, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2824—Rep. Adrian Smith (R-NE)/Ways and Means, Energy and Commerce (6/8/17)—A bill to extend the Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program.

H.R. 2832—Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH)/Ways and Means, Agriculture, Energy and Commerce, Financial Services, Budget (6/8/17)—A bill to help individuals receiving assistance under means-tested welfare programs obtain self-sufficiency, to provide information on total spending on means-tested welfare programs, to provide an overall spending limit on means-tested welfare programs, and for other purposes.

H.R. 2842—Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-FL)/Ways and Means (6/8/17)—A bill to provide for the conduct of demonstration projects to test the effectiveness of subsidized employment for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients.


H.R. 2791—Rep. Grace Meng (D-NY)/Energy and Commerce (6/6/17)—A bill to treat infant formula as adulterated if its use-by date has passed.

Human Trafficking

S. 1311—Sen. John Cornyn (R-TX)/Judiciary (6/7/17)—A bill to provide assistance in abolishing human trafficking in the United States.

S. 1312—Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA)/Judiciary (6/7/17)—A bill to prioritize the fight against human trafficking in the United States.

H.R. 2803—Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX)/Judiciary, Foreign Affairs, Energy and Commerce, Homeland Security (6/7/17)—A bill to provide assistance in abolishing human trafficking in the United States.


H.R. 2829—Rep. Ted Poe (T-TX)/Judiciary (6/8/17)—A bill to strengthen enforcement of spousal court-ordered property distributions, and for other purposes.


S. 1296—Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO)/Armed Services (6/6/17)—A bill to amend the Uniform Code of Military Justice to prohibit the wrongful broadcast or distribution of intimate visual images.

Reproductive Health

H.R. 2788—Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM)/Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means (6/6/17)—A bill to expand access to health care services, including sexual, reproductive, and maternal health services, for immigrant women, men, and families by removing legal barriers to health insurance coverage, and for other purposes.

Tax Policy

H.R. 2817—Rep. Luke Messer (R-IN)/Ways and Means (6/7/17)—A bill to clarify eligibility for the child tax credit.