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Bills Introduced

Child Protection

S. 2613—Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA)/Judiciary (3/1/16)—A bill to reauthorize certain programs established by the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006.

Family Support

H.R. 4707—Rep. David Price (D-NC)/Financial Services (3/3/16)—A bill to provide housing opportunities for individuals living with HIV or AIDS, and for other purposes.


H.R. 4695—Rep. Eliot Engel (D-NY)/Energy and Commerce, Ways and Means (3/3/16)—A bill to improve the quality, health outcomes, and value of maternity care under the Medicaid and CHIP programs by developing maternity care quality measures and supporting maternity care quality collaborative.

 Human Trafficking

S. 2642—Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)/Commerce, Science, and Transportation (3/3/16)—A bill to require air carriers to provide training to certain employees and contractors to combat human trafficking.


S. Res. 388—Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH)/Foreign Relations (3/3/16)—A resolution supporting the goals of International Women’s Day.


S. 2625—Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA)/Armed Services (3/3/16)—A bill to protect our service members’ children from convicted pedophiles and other felons infiltrating the classroom.


S. Res. 629—Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA)/Oversight and Government Reform (2/29/16)—A resolution supporting the goals and ideals of National Women’s History Month.

Tax Policy

H.R. 4693—Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT)/Ways and Means (3/3/16)—A bill to provide a refundable and advanceable tax credit for individuals with young children.