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Bills Introduced


S. Res. 312— Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT)/Judiciary (11/10/15)—A resolution designating the week beginning November 8, 2015, as “National Pregnancy Center Week” to recognize the vital role that community-supported pregnancy centers (also known as pregnancy care and pregnancy resource centers) play in saving lives and serving women and men faced with difficult pregnancy decisions.


S. Res. 310—Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI)/Foreign Relations (11/9/15)—A resolution condemning the ongoing sexual violence against women and children from Yezidi, Christian, Shabak, Turkmen, and other religious communities by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria militants and urging the prosecution of the perpetrators and those complicit in these crimes.

Tax Policy

S. 2264—Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO)/Finance (11/10/15)—A bill to strengthen the child tax credit.

Violence Against Women

S. 2280—Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-AK)/considered and passed (11/10/15)—A bill to promote pro bono legal services as a critical way in which to empower survivors of domestic violence.

S. 2270—Sen Al Franken (D-MN)/Judiciary (11/10/15)—A bill to address voluntary location tracking of electronic communications devices, and for other purposes.