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Bills Introduced

Child Protection

S. 2054—-Sen. Chris Murphy (D-CT)/Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (2/27/14)—A bill to require certain standards and enforcement provisions to prevent child abuse and neglect in residential programs, and for other purposes.

Human Trafficking/Foster Care

H.R. 4058—-Rep. Dave Reichert (R-WA)/Ways and Means (2/14/14)—A bill to prevent and address sex trafficking of youth in foster care.


H.R. 4112—-Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX)—-Foreign Affairs (2/27/14)—-A bill to require that activities carried out by the United States in South Sudan relating to governance, reconstruction and development, and refugee relief and assistance will support the basic human rights of women and women’s participation and leadership in these areas.