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Bills Introduced


S. 1511—-Sen. John Rockefeller (D-WV)/Finance (9/17/13)—A bill to remove barriers to the adoption of children in foster care through reauthorization and improvement of the adoption incentives program, and for other purposes.

S. 1527—-Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)/Finance (9/19/13)—A bill to enhance pre- and post-adoptive support services.


H.R. 3117—-Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA)/Foreign Affairs, Ways and Means (9/17/13)—A bill to bring an end to the spread of HIV/AIDS in the United States and around the world.

Human Trafficking

S. 1518—-Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-UT)/Finance (9/18/13)—A bill to improve outcomes for youth at risk for sex trafficking, and other purposes.

Tax Policy/Adoption

H.R. 3124—-Rep. Danny Davis (D-IL)/Ways and Means (9/18/13)—A bill to extend the adoption incentive payments program to incentive payments for foster child exits to reunification, adoption, and guardianship, and for other purposes.