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Weekly Legislative Update: July 11, 2022

Congressional Schedule: July 11-15, 2022 

Floor Action: 

The House and Senate are in session this week. 

Abortion- On Wednesday, the House is scheduled to consider H.R. 8296, the Women’s Health Protection Act of 2022, and H.R. 8297, the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act of 2022.  

Military- On Wednesday, the House is scheduled to consider H.R. 7900, the FY2023 National Defense Authorization Act. The measure contains provisions related to military child development centers and to address military sexual assault. 

Tax Policy- On Friday, the House is scheduled to consider H.R. 8351, the Formula Act, a bill to suspend temporarily rates of duty on imports of certain infant formula products.

Women’s History- On Tuesday, the House is scheduled to consider H.R. 5271, a bill to designate a facility of the United States Postal Service in Nashville, Tennessee, as the “Thelma Harper Post Office Building,” and H.R. 228, a bill to designate a facility of the United States Postal Service in Anderson, California, as the “Norma Comnick Post Office Building.”  


Employment- On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee will mark up H.R. 8227, the Speak Out Act, which would limit the judicial enforceability of predispute nondisclosure and nondisparagement contract clauses relating to disputes involving sexual assault.  

Health- Also on Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee will mark up H.R. 6878, the Protecting the Health and Wellness of Babies and Pregnant Women Act of 2022. 

Human Trafficking- On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee also will mark up H.R. 7566, the Stop Human Trafficking in School Zones Act.  

Violence Against Women- On Wednesday, the House Energy and Commerce Committee will mark up several bills, including H.R. 7132, the Safe Connections Act of 2022, which would preserve safe access to communications services for survivors of sexual assault.


Abortion- On Tuesday, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing, “A Post-Roe America: The Legal Consequences of the Dobbs Decision.” 

On Wednesday, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee will hold a hearing, “Reproductive Care in a Post-Roe America: Barriers, Challenges, and Threats to Women’s Health.” 

Also on Wednesday, the House Committee on Oversight and Reform will hold a hearing, “The Impact of the Supreme Court’s Dobbs Decision on Abortion Rights and Access Across the United States.” 

On Thursday, the House Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing, “What’s Next: The Threat to Individual Freedoms in a Post-Roe World.” 

Banking- On Wednesday, the House Financial Services Subcommittee on Consumer Protection and Financial Institutions will hold a hearing, “Better Together: Examining the Unified Proposed Rule to Modernize the Community Reinvestment Act.” The hearing will examine the proposed rule and draft legislation that would include women-owned financial institutions in the definition of minority depository institutions.  

Health- On Wednesday, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee will hold a hearing on several bills, including S. 1345, the Comprehensive National Mercury Monitoring Act. This bill addresses the adverse health impacts of mercury exposure, particularly the risks to pregnant women and children, and would establish a national mercury monitoring program. 

Small Business- On Wednesday, the House Small Business Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Regulations will hold a hearing, “Fintech and Transparency in Small Business Lending.” The hearing will consider various issues in small business lending, including the impact of algorithms and data used in automated underwriting that can unfairly deny credit to minority groups protected by fair-lending laws on race or gender.  

Veterans- On Wednesday, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee will consider a resolution to reauthorize the Women Veterans Task Force to January 3, 2023 (as-yet-unnumbered).

Bills Introduced: July 4-8, 2022 


H. Res. 1218—Rep. Adriano Espaillat (D-NY)/Judiciary; Energy and Commerce (7/5/22)—A resolution condemning the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and Planned Parenthood v. Casey and committing to advancing reproductive justice and judicial reform. 

H.R. 8296—Rep. Judy Chu (D-CA)/Energy and Commerce (7/7/22)—A bill to protect a person’s ability to determine whether to continue or end a pregnancy, and to protect a health care provider’s ability to provide abortion services.  

H.R. 8297—Rep. Lizzie Fletcher (D-TX)/Energy and Commerce (7/7/22)—A bill to prohibit the interference, under color of state law, with the provision of interstate abortion services, and for other purposes. 

Reproductive Health 

H.R. 8307—Rep. Chris Jacobs (R-NY)/Energy and Commerce (7/7/22)—A bill to direct the secretary of Health and Human Services to require certain medical information related to donors of reproductive tissue be made available to recipients of such tissue and persons conceived using such tissue, and for other purposes. 

H.R. 8318—Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA)/Energy and Commerce (7/7/22)—A bill to restrict limitations on the possession, sale, purchase, transportation, or use of any contraceptive that relates to interstate commerce.