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October 13, 2000

Lupus Research Bill Approved by House

The House on October 10 approved, 385-2, a bill (H.R. 762) to authorize research on lupus. Sponsored by Rep. CarrieView More

October 13, 2000

Resolution on Postpartum Depression Passed by House

On October 10, the House unanimously approved, by voice vote, a resolution (H. Res. 163) expressing the sense of theView More

October 6, 2000

Ryan White Reauthorization Headed to President

The House on October 5 unanimously passed, 411-0, a compromise bill (S. 2311) to reauthorize the Ryan White CARE ActView More

October 6, 2000

Senate Passes Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Bill

By unanimous consent, the Senate on October 4 passed a bill (S. 662) that would provide treatment to women diagnosedView More

October 6, 2000

House Passes Breast and Cervical Cancer Resolutions

Two resolutions dealing with women’s health were unanimously approved by the House on October 3. The first resolution (H. Res.View More

October 6, 2000

Lupus Research Bill Approved by Committee

A bill (H.R. 762) that would extend research on lupus was approved, by voice vote, on September 26 by theView More

September 29, 2000

Congress Clears Children’s Health Bill

As the end of the 106th Congress draws near, the House and Senate cleared legislation (H.R. 4365) that would authorizeView More

September 29, 2000

House Establishes Biomedical Imaging Institute

The House on September 27 approved, by voice vote, a bill (H.R. 1795) to establish a National Institute of BiomedicalView More

September 29, 2000

House Approves Childhood Cancer Resolution

On September 27, the House unanimously approved, 415-0, a resolution (H. Res. 576) expressing the sense of the House thatView More

September 15, 2000

House Passes “Mini Omnibus”

On September 8, the House approved, 212-209, the conference report for the FY2001 Legislative Branch appropriations bill (H.R. 4516). TheView More

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