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July 18, 2003

House Approves Resolution Against Slavery in the Sudan

On Wednesday, July 16, the House approved H. Res. 194, by voice vote, affirming its support of international efforts toView More

July 11, 2003

House Committee Holds Hearing on State Department Human Rights Report

On July 9, the House International Relations Committee held a hearing to examine the findings of the 2002-2003 State DepartmentView More

May 9, 2003

Senate Approves Anti-Stoning Resolution

On May 8, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a resolution (S. Con. Res. 26) condemning the punishment of executionView More

May 2, 2003

Human Rights Subject of Subcommittee Hearing

On April 30, the House International Relations Subcommittee on International Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Human Rights held a hearing to discussView More

March 21, 2003

House Approves Resolution to Repeal Stoning

On March 18, the House unanimously approved, 417-0, a resolution (H. Con. Res. 26) condemning the punishment of execution byView More

November 22, 2002

Senate Approves Sexual Exploitation of Refugees Resolution

On November 19, the Senate unanimously approved a resolution (H. Con. Res. 349) to improve measures to end the sexualView More

October 18, 2002

House Approves Resolution to End Sexual Exploitation of Refugees

On October 16, the House unanimously approved a resolution (H. Con. Res. 349) to improve measures to end the sexualView More

August 2, 2002

Foreign Relations Committee Approves CEDAW

On July 30, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved, 12-7, a treaty on the United Nations (U.N.) Convention on theView More

July 26, 2002

Two Human Rights Resolutions Approved by Subcommittee

On July 25, the House International Relations Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights approved, by voice vote, two resolutionsView More

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