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Small Business/Entrepreneurship

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July 20, 2007

Fair Contracting Subject of Senate Hearing

On July 18, the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee held a hearing on fairness in small business contracting. TheView More

June 29, 2007

Senate Small Business Committee Adopts Legislation for Women Entrepreneurs

On June 26, the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee approved en bloc, 19-0, the Entrepreneurial Development Act (S. 1671)View More

June 22, 2007

House Approves SBA Legislation

This week, the House passed legislation to expand the Small Business Administration (SBA) Women’s Business Programs Act (H.R. 2397), theView More

June 15, 2007

House Committee Examines SBA’s Microloan Program

On June 14, the House Small Business Committee held a hearing on the Small Business Administration’s (SBA) microloan program, whichView More

May 25, 2007

House Panel Clears SBA Entrepreneurial Development Legislation

On May 23, the House Small Business Committee approved, by voice vote, several bills to improve the Small Business Administration’sView More

May 18, 2007

Senate Committee Approves Small Business Lending Measure

On May 16, the Senate Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee approved, 19-0, a bill (S. 1256) to reauthorize the SmallView More

May 18, 2007

House Committee Considers Small Business Entrepreneurial Development

On May 16, the House Small Business Committee held a hearing on proposals to reauthorize the Small Business Administration’s (SBA)View More

May 11, 2007

House Passes Small Business Contracting Legislation

On May 10, the House passed, 409-13, the Small Business Fairness in Contracting Act (H.R. 1873). The House Oversight andView More

May 11, 2007

House Passes Homeland Security Reauthorization; Contains Provisions Relating to Disadvantaged Businesses, Children

On May 9, the House approved, 296-126, a bill (H.R. 1684) to authorize $39.9 billion for FY2008 for the DepartmentView More

May 4, 2007

House Committee Approves Small Business Contracting Legislation

On May 1, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee approved, by voice vote, the Small Business Fairness in ContractingView More

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