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October 25, 2002

HELP Committee Discusses Administration’s Proposal to Expand CHIP Coverage to Fetuses

Although Congress is in recess until November 12, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee held an October 24thView More

October 18, 2002

Congress Clears Community Health Centers Bill

After lawmakers struck a deal on legislation (S. 1533) to reauthorize community health centers and the National Health Service CorpsView More

October 18, 2002

Congress Clears Medical Device Legislation

House and Senate negotiators were able to work out differences on legislation (H.R. 5651) to create a new user feeView More

October 11, 2002

Defense Conference Report Approved by House

On October 10, the House approved, 409-14, the conference report for the FY2003 defense appropriations bill (H.R. 5010). H.R. 5010View More

October 11, 2002

Legislation to Speed Approval of Medical Devices Passed by House

On October 9, the House approved, 406-3, a bill (H.R. 3580) aimed at expediting the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA)View More

October 4, 2002

Community Health Centers Bill Approved by House

On October 1, the House approved, by voice vote, a bill (H.R. 3450) that would reauthorize community health centers andView More

October 4, 2002

National Minority Health and Health Disparities Month

On October 3, the Senate approved a resolution (H. Con. Res. 388), by unanimous consent, expressing the sense of CongressView More

October 4, 2002

Birth Defects Prevention Bill Approved by Senate

On October 2, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a bill (S. 2980) that would reauthorize the Birth Defects PreventionView More

October 4, 2002

Fragile X Resolution Approved by House

On October 1, the House approved, by voice vote, a resolution (H. Res. 389) expressing congressional support for increased researchView More

October 4, 2002

House Panel Approves Legislation to Speed Approval of Medical Devices

The House Energy and Commerce Committee made quick work of a bill (H.R. 3580) aimed at expediting the Food andView More

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