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April 11, 2003

Mammography Quality Standards Act Subject of Senate Hearing

On April 8, the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee held a hearing on the reauthorization of the MammographyView More

March 28, 2003

Human Cloning and Women

The Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Science, Technology, and Space held a hearing on March 27, to discussView More

March 21, 2003

Committee Considers Human Cloning

On March 19, the Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing to discuss human cloning. In his opening remarks, Committee ChairView More

March 14, 2003

Medical Liability Bill Passes House

On March 13, the House approved, 229-196, a bill (H.R. 5) that would limit non-economic medical malpractice awards to $250,000View More

March 7, 2003

House Committee Examines Affordable Health Care Options for Small Businesses

The House Small Business Committee held a March 6 hearing to discuss ways to expand affordable health care access toView More

February 28, 2003

House Approves Ban on Human Cloning

On February 27, the House approved, 241-155, a bill (H.R. 534) to prohibit human cloning. Sponsored by Reps. Dave WeldonView More

February 28, 2003

FY2004 HHS Budget Presented to House Committee

On February 26, Secretary of Health and Human Services Tommy Thompson presented the President’s FY2004 budget for the department toView More

February 28, 2003

House Committees Focus on Medical Liability

This week, medical liability was the priority for several committees. The House Judiciary Committee held a hearing on the issue,View More

February 21, 2003

FY2003 Appropriations Summary

On February 13, Congress approved an omnibus appropriations package that was attached to a continuing resolution (H. J. Res. 2).View More

February 14, 2003

Omnibus Bill Sent to President

On February 13, the House approved, 338-83, an omnibus appropriations package that was attached to a continuing resolution (H. J.View More

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