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June 20, 2003

FY2004 Appropriations Bills Move Through House Committee and Subcommittees

This week, House appropriators began work on the FY2004 spending bills. The Appropriations Committee approved two bills, and five billsView More

June 13, 2003

Senate Committee Approves Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage

During what was predicted to be a “marathon” mark-up on June 12, the Senate Finance Committee approved, 16-5, a billView More

June 13, 2003

House Committee Approves AHP Legislation

On June 11, the House Education and the Workforce Committee approved, 26-21, a bill (H.R. 660) designed to make healthView More

May 23, 2003

Senate Subcommittee Considers Stem Cell Research

The Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education held a hearing on May 22 to discussView More

May 23, 2003

House Reauthorizes Aid to Missing, Runaway, and Homeless Children

On May 20, the House approved, 400-14, legislation that would give more money to programs aiding homeless and runaway youth.View More

May 23, 2003

Senate Committee Approves Legislation Prohibiting Genetic Discrimination

After seven years of negotiation and debate, on May 21, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee approved legislationView More

May 16, 2003

House Committee Approves Aid for Homeless and Runaway Children

On May 15, the House Education and the Workforce Committee approved legislation (H.R. 1925) that would give more money toView More

April 11, 2003

Conference Report for FY2004 Budget Resolution Moves Through House

On April 11, the House approved, 216-211, the conference report for the FY2004 budget resolution (H. Con. Res. 95). AtView More

April 11, 2003

Senate Passes Lifespan Respite Care Bill

On April 10, the Senate approved, by voice vote, legislation (S. 538) to provide assistance to family caregivers. Sponsored byView More

April 11, 2003

AHP Bill Approved by Subcommittee

After a contentious debate regarding regulations for the establishment of Association Health Plans (AHPs), the House Education and the WorkforceView More

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