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September 24, 2004

Senate Authorizes Humanitarian Assistance for Sudan

On September 23, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a bill (S. 2781) that would authorize $200 million in FY2005View More

September 24, 2004

Global Refugee Problem Focus of Senate Hearing

On September 21, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Citizenship heard testimony on the global problem ofView More

September 17, 2004

House Condemns Human Rights Abuses in Syria

On September 13, the House approved, 342-0, a resolution (H. Con. Res. 363) condemning the numerous violations of human rightsView More

September 10, 2004

Senate Committee Hears Testimony from Secretary Powell on Sudan

On September 9, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee heard testimony from Secretary of State Colin Powell on the current crisisView More

July 23, 2004

Congress Declares Genocide in Sudan

On July 22, the House approved, 422-0, a resolution (H. Con. Res. 467) declaring that the atrocities committed in theView More

July 9, 2004

House Panel Hears Testimony on U.S. Support of Human Rights and Democracy

On July 7, the House International Relations Subcommittee on International Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Human Rights held a hearing on U.S.View More

June 25, 2004

War Crimes in Africa Subject of House Hearing

On June 24, the House International Relations Subcommittee on Africa heard testimony on preventing and responding to war crimes inView More

June 25, 2004

House Committee Condemns Human Rights Abuses in Syria

On June 24, the House International Relations Committee approved, by voice vote, a resolution (H. Con. Res. 363) condemning theView More

June 18, 2004

Senate Panel Holds Hearing on Sudan Humanitarian Crisis

On June 15, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee heard testimony on the conflict in Sudan and the ensuing humanitarian crisisView More

June 4, 2004

U.S. Policy in Afghanistan Subject of House Committee Hearing

On June 2, the House International Relations Committee held a hearing on U.S. policy in Afghanistan. In his opening remarks,View More

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