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May 21, 2004

FY2005 Defense Authorization Bill Stalls in Senate

After two days of debate, the House approved, 391-34, the FY2005 defense authorization bill (H.R. 4200) on May 20. TheView More

May 21, 2004

House Defeats Bill Requiring Hospitals to Report Undocumented Aliens

On May 18, the House defeated, 88-331, a bill (H.R. 3722) that would place restrictions on the reimbursement to hospitalsView More

May 21, 2004

Senate Supports National Better Hearing and Speech Month

On May 20, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a resolution (S. 366) recognizing May 2004 as “National Better HearingView More

May 21, 2004

Veterans’ Health Bills Approved by Committee

On May 19, the House Veterans’ Affairs Committee approved, by voice vote, legislation (H.R. 4231) to improve the recruitment andView More

May 21, 2004

Health Savings Accounts Focus of Senate Committee Hearing

On May 19, the Senate Special Committee on Aging heard testimony on the expansion of health savings accounts (HSAs), whichView More

May 14, 2004

Majority Health Care Agenda Moves Through House

This week, the House approved three measures that were highlighted as health care priorities in President Bush’s State of theView More

May 14, 2004

House Subcommittee Approves Veterans’ Health Legislation

On May 13, the House Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Health approved, by voice vote, legislation (H.R. 4231) to improve theView More

May 14, 2004

Committee Examines Preterm Births

On May 13, the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Subcommittee on Children and Families held a hearing on theView More

May 14, 2004

Smoking in Movies Subject of Senate Committee Hearing

On May 11, the Senate Commerce, Science, and Transportation Committee held a hearing to examine the effects of smoking inView More

May 14, 2004

Costs of Health Care Regulation Focus of Committee Hearing

The Joint Economic Committee held a hearing on May 13 entitled, “The Burden of Health Services Regulation.” Chair Robert BennettView More

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