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December 19, 2000

Congress Adjourns; LHHSE Spending Bill Contains Medicare Payments

The 106th Congress adjourned on December 15 after giving final approval to three FY2001 appropriations bills, as well as aView More

October 27, 2000

Congress Reauthorizes the Older Americans Act

Both chambers have approved a bill (H.R. 782) to reauthorize the Older Americans Act (OAA). The Senate approved, 94-0, theView More

October 27, 2000

Medicare “Givebacks” Approved by House; Veto Threat Looms

Despite veto threats by the President, the House leadership pushed through legislation to provide additional Medicare payments to health careView More

October 6, 2000

Medicare “Givebacks” Bill on Fast Track

Congress is headed toward enacting legislation that would increase Medicare payments to health care providers. The Medicare “givebacks” legislation wasView More

July 14, 2000

Committee Examines Medicaid Coverage for Disabled Children

Bipartisan legislation designed to provide greater access to Medicaid coverage for disabled children was the subject of a July 12View More

March 24, 2000

Women Affected by Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage

Republicans and Democrats have placed prescription drug coverage for seniors at the top of their agendas this election year; however,View More

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