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Violence Against Women

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April 26, 2002

Senate Committee Adds Dating Violence to VAWA

April 26, 2002

Senate Committee Adds Dating Violence to VAWA

The Senate Judiciary Committee on April 25 approved, by voice vote, a bill (S. 410) that would add dating violenceView More

April 19, 2002

Senate Subcommittee Examines the Violence Against Women Office

The Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Drugs held an April 16 hearing on the Violence Against Women Office (VAWO)View More

March 8, 2002

Women’s Caucus Partners with Lifetime Television to Address Violence Against Women

On March 4, the Congressional Caucus for Women’s Issues and Lifetime Television kicked off their “Stop Violence Week in Washington”View More

March 8, 2002

House Subcommittee Reviews State Department’s Human Rights Reports

On March 6, the House International Relations Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights held a hearing to review theView More

November 2, 2001

House Hearings on Afghanistan

On October 31, the House International Relations Subcommittee on International Operations and Human Rights held a hearing on the conflictView More

October 26, 2001

Senate Passes Foreign Operations Spending Bill

Breaking the logjam of FY2002 spending bills, this week the Senate approved the FY2002 foreign operations appropriations bill (H.R. 2506).View More

October 26, 2001

Justice Department Reauthorization

On October 18, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved, by voice vote, a bill (S. 1319) to reauthorize the Department ofView More

September 14, 2001

Senate Passes Commerce-Justice-State Spending Bill

Given the events of this week, the Senate quickly debated and approved the FY2002 Commerce, Justice, State, and Related AgenciesView More

July 27, 2001

House Approves Permanent Violence Against Women Office

A bill that would establish a permanent Violence Against Women Office within the Department of Justice (DOJ) was approved, byView More

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