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June 13, 2003

Subcommittee Approves Bill Aimed at Reducing Prison Rape

On June 12, the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security approved, by voice vote, a bill (H.R.View More

May 9, 2003

House Committee Moves to Raise Awareness About Sexual Assault

On May 7, the House Judiciary Committee approved, by voice vote, a resolution (S. J. Res. 8) in recognition ofView More

April 11, 2003

Sexual Assault Awareness Resolution Approved by Committee

In recognition and support of National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, on April 10, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved,View More

April 3, 2003

Senate, House Move to Address Sexual Misconduct at U.S. Air Force Academy

On March 31, Air Force Secretary James Roche and Air Force Chief of Staff, General John Jumper, appeared before theView More

February 21, 2003

FY2003 Appropriations Summary

On February 13, Congress approved an omnibus appropriations package that was attached to a continuing resolution (H. J. Res. 2).View More

February 14, 2003

Omnibus Bill Sent to President

On February 13, the House approved, 338-83, an omnibus appropriations package that was attached to a continuing resolution (H. J.View More

October 4, 2002

Congress Clears Justice Department Authorization Conference Report

One week after the House approved the conference report for a bill (H.R. 2215) to reauthorize the Department of JusticeView More

September 27, 2002

House Approves Reauthorization of Justice Department

After months of negotiations, the House on September 26 approved, 400-4, the conference report for a bill (H.R. 2215) thatView More

September 13, 2002

Senate Approves DNA Backlog Bill

On September 12, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, legislation (S. 2513) designed to expedite and improve the investigation andView More

August 2, 2002

Foreign Relations Committee Approves CEDAW

On July 30, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee approved, 12-7, a treaty on the United Nations (U.N.) Convention on theView More

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