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Bills Introduced

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July 21, 2000

Bills Introduced

Abortion H.R. 4888—-Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) / Armed Services, Judiciary (07/19/00)—A bill to protect innocent children. Business H.R. 4890—-Rep. NydiaView More

July 14, 2000

Bills Introduced

Education H. Res. 552—-Rep. David Wu (D-OR) / Education and the Workforce (07/13/00)—A resolution urging the House to support mentoringView More

June 30, 2000

Bills Introduced

Child Care H.R. 4750—-Rep. Ed Bryant (R-TN) / Education and the Workforce (06/26/00)—A bill to establish programs to improve theView More

June 23, 2000

Bills Introduced

Crime H.R. 4710—-Rep. John Sullivan (R-OK) / Judiciary (06/23/00)—A bill to authorize appropriations for the prosecution of obscenity cases. HealthView More

June 16, 2000

Bills Introduced

Child Support S. Res. 322—-Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) / (06/13/00)—A resolution encouraging greater involvement of fathers in the lives ofView More

June 9, 2000

Bills Introduced

Health S. 2675—-Sen. Olympia Snowe (R-ME) / Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (06/06/00)—A bill to make permanent the Office onView More

February 25, 2000

Bills Introduced

Discrimination S. 2079—-Sen. Conrad Burns (R-MT) / Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry (02/22/00)—A bill to facilitate the timely resolution of backloggedView More

February 18, 2000

Bills Introduced

Abortion H. Con. Res. 253—-Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R-NJ) / International Relations (02/16/00)—A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of theView More

February 11, 2000

Bills Introduced

Child Care H.R. 3610—-Rep. Jesse L. Jackson (D-IL) / Education and the Workforce (02/10/00)—A bill to provide for the acquisition,View More

February 4, 2000

Bills Introduced

Health S. 2015—-Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) / Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (01/31/00)—A bill to provide for human embryonic stemView More

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