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Bills Introduced

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July 13, 2001

Bills Introduced

Education H.R. 2482—-Rep. Adam B. Schiff (D-CA) / Education and the Workforce, Ways and Means (07/12/01)—A bill to repeal theView More

June 29, 2001

Bills Introduced

Adoption H.R. 2335—-Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI) / Ways and Means, Armed Services (06/27/01)—A bill to provide equitable access for fosterView More

June 22, 2001

Bills Introduced

Education H.R. 2219—-Rep. Dave Camp (R-MI) / Ways and Means (06/19/01)—A bill to allow the Hope Scholarship Credit to coverView More

June 15, 2001

Bills Introduced

Child Safety H.R. 2159—-Rep. Frank Pallone (D-NJ) / Energy and Commerce (06/13/01)—A bill to provide for grants to states forView More

May 25, 2001

Bills Introduced

Child Protection S. 916—-Sen. Herb Kohl (D-WI) / Finance (05/21/01)—A bill to provide more child support money to families leavingView More

May 18, 2001

Bills Introduced

Crime H.R. 1877—-Rep. Nancy L. Johnson (R-CT) / Judiciary (05/16/01)—A bill to provide that certain sexual crimes against children areView More

May 11, 2001

Bills Introduced

Crime H.R. 1747—-Rep. Sue W. Kelly (R-NY) / Judiciary (05/08/01)—A bill to prohibit taking a child hostage in order toView More

April 27, 2001

Bills Introduced

Child Care H. Con. Res. 115—-Sen. Bernard Sanders (I-VT) / Education and the Workforce (04/26/01)—A concurrent resolution supporting the goalsView More

April 6, 2001

Bills Introduced

Child Abuse H.R. 1391—-Rep. Peter A. DeFazio (D-OR) / Education and the Workforce (04/04/01)—A bill to provide for an increaseView More

March 30, 2001

Bills Introduced

Crime S. 625—-Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) / Judiciary (03/27/01)—A bill to provide federal assistance to states and local jurisdictions toView More

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