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Violence Against Women

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January 26, 2007

Stalking Awareness Resolution Approved by Senate

On January 26, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a resolution (S. Res. 24) designating January 2007 as “National StalkingView More

June 17, 2006

House Panel Examines Trafficking and World Cup Brothels

On June 14, the House International Relations Subcommittee on Africa, Global Human Rights, and International Operations heard testimony on sexView More

June 9, 2006

Senate Subcommittee Examines Prison Safety

On June 8, the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime, Corrections, and Victims’ Rights held a hearing on safety and abuseView More

December 23, 2005

109th Congress At-A-Glance

Congress completed action on the FY2006 spending bills before adjourning for the year on December 22. Major accomplishments for theView More

December 22, 2005

FY2006 Appropriations Summary

Prior to adjourning for the year in December, Congress completed action on the FY2006 Labor, Health and Human Services, andView More

December 21, 2005

DOJ and VAWA Reauthorization Headed to President

Congress cleared legislation to reauthorize the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA). On December 16,View More

December 21, 2005

Congress Completes Action on FY2006 Appropriations Bills

This week, Congress approved a continuing resolution to fund government programs until December 31, 2005. The House and Senate bothView More

December 21, 2005

House Approves Border Security Bill

After two days of debate, the House approved, 239-182, a bill (H.R. 4437) on December 16 that would enhance internationalView More

December 21, 2005

Congress Supports National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Week

On December 13, the Senate approved, by unanimous consent, a resolution (S. Res. 275) designating the week of February 6,View More

December 9, 2005

Border Security Bill Moves Through House Committee

On December 8, the House Judiciary Committee approved, 23-15, a bill (H.R. 4437) that would enhance international land and maritimeView More

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