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Bills Introduced

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November 7, 2003

Bills Introduced

Abortion H.R. 3453—-Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC) / Energy and Commerce (11/06/03)—–A bill to suspend the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)View More

October 31, 2003

Bills Introduced

Child Protection S. Con. Res. 77—-Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) / Judiciary (10/28/03)—A concurrent resolution expressing the sense of Congress supportingView More

October 24, 2003

Bills Introduced

Business S. 1753—-Sen. Richard Shelby (R-AL) / Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs (10/17/03)—A bill to prevent identity theft, to improveView More

October 17, 2003

Bills Introduced

Business H.R. 3294—-Rep. David Dreier (R-CA) / Financial Services (10/15/03)—A bill to require the Secretary of the Treasury to establishView More

October 10, 2003

Bills Introduced

Abortion H.R. 3664—-Rep. Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) / Energy and Commerce (12/08/03)—A bill to prohibit certain abortion-related discrimination in governmental activities.View More

October 3, 2003

Bills Introduced

Adoption S. 1686—-Sen. Charles Grassley (R-IA) / Finance (09/30/03)—A bill to reauthorize the adoption incentive payments program under part EView More

September 26, 2003

Bills Introduced

Education H.R. 3085—-Rep. Ruben Hinojosa (D-TX) / Education and the Workforce (09/16/03)—A bill to improve graduation rates by authorizing theView More

September 18, 2003

Bills Introduced

Retirement S. 1617—-Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-MA) / Finance (09/15/03)—A bill to provide comprehensive pension protection for women.

September 12, 2003

Bills Introduced

Abortion H.R. 3069—-Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) / Judiciary (09/10/03)—A bill to implement equal protection under the 14th article of amendmentView More

September 5, 2003

Bills Introduced

Education H.R. 2990—-Rep. Judy Biggert (R-IL) / Education and the Workforce (09/03/03)—A bill to establish a Commission to Educate ourView More

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