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Family Planning/Reproductive Health

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July 20, 2001

Mexico City Policy Subject of Committee Hearing

On July 19, the Senate Foreign Relations Committee held a hearing to discuss the effects of the Mexico City PolicyView More

June 29, 2001

Subcommittee Approves Foreign Operations Spending Bill

In a surprisingly easy mark-up, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Foreign Operations, Export Financing, and Related Agencies approved, by voiceView More

May 18, 2001

House Upholds Mexico City Policy

On May 16, the House narrowly approved, 218-210, an amendment to the State Department reauthorization bill (H.R. 1646) that removedView More

May 11, 2001

House Begins Work on State Department Reauthorization

On May 10, the House began consideration of the FY2002 State Department reauthorization bill (H.R. 1646). Consideration of the legislationView More

February 2, 2001

Presidential Executive Order on International Family Planning

On January 22, President Bush signed an executive order reinstating restrictions on U.S. aid to international family planning groups, makingView More

October 27, 2000

International Family Planning Receives Increase; Restrictions Delayed Until Next Year

This week, Congress cleared the conference report for the FY2001 foreign operations appropriations bill (H.R. 4811), providing a $40 millionView More

October 13, 2000

Resolution on Postpartum Depression Passed by House

On October 10, the House unanimously approved, by voice vote, a resolution (H. Res. 163) expressing the sense of theView More

September 22, 2000

House Instructs Conferees on Emergency Contraception Provision

The House on September 19 approved, 250-170, a motion to instruct conferees on the FY2001 Labor, Health and Human Services,View More

July 31, 2000

House Begins Consideration of FY2001 D.C. Appropriations Bill

On July 26, the House began its consideration of its final FY2001 appropriations bill, the District of Columbia (D.C.) spendingView More

July 21, 2000

House Approves Treasury-Postal; Contraceptive Coverage Included

Just days after the House Appropriations Committee approved the FY2001 Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government spending bill (H.R. 4871),View More

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