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September 28, 2007

Congress Votes to Extend Medicaid, Abstinence Education Programs

On September 26, the House passed, by voice vote, H.R. 3668, a bill to extend for three months the TransitionalView More

December 21, 2005

FY2006 Reconciliation Bill Awaits Final Approval, Will Reauthorize 1996 Welfare Reform Law

On December 19, the House approved, 212-206, the conference report for the FY2006 spending reconciliation bill (S. 1932), which establishesView More

September 9, 2005

Panel Examines Medicaid’s Impact on the Most Vulnerable Populations

On September 8, the House Energy and Commerce Committee held a hearing entitled, “Medicaid: Empowering Beneficiaries on the Road toView More

July 1, 2005

Medicaid Reform Subject of Senate Committee Hearings

On June 28, the Senate Special Committee on Aging held the first in a series of hearings to examine theView More

June 17, 2005

Panels Examine Future of Medicaid

On June 15, the Senate Finance and House Energy and Commerce Committees held hearings to examine a Medicaid reform proposalView More

April 29, 2005

Panel Hears Testimony on Long-Term Care and Medicaid

On April 27, the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing entitled, “Long-Term Care and Medicaid: SpiralingView More

March 18, 2005

FY2006 Budget Resolution Heads to Conference

This week, the House and Senate approved two versions of the FY2006 budget resolution. A House and Senate conference committeeView More

February 9, 2005

FY2006 Budget Summary

Introduction President Bush delivered his $2.57 trillion FY2006 budget to Congress on February 7. The budget proposes to cut theView More

September 17, 2004

Senate Committee Examines Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit

On September 14, the Senate Finance Committee heard testimony on the proposed rules issued by the Centers for Medicare andView More

July 23, 2004

Senate Committee Reviews Medicare Prescription Drug Benefit

On July 19, the Senate Special Aging Committee heard testimony regarding the implementation of the Medicare Prescription Drug Discount CardView More

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